Clear-headed and mentally razor-sharp military geniuses prepare the table and their respective battle plans for the big ‘off’ on the Sunday; it was to be a mighty clash:
Below – our glorious campaign organiser (and all credit to him for that, because it was excellent). However… to think that we put this man in charge of our vulnerable left flank after its initial commander had to depart.. Well, we got what we deserved.
It may look impregnable, but Iain found it’s weaknesses. Unfortunately he was in charge:
Paul deployed a colourful array of troops:
Simon’s massed Sepoys got to build a nice long wall to defend:
Meanwhile, at the other end of the 30 foot table, the Medetian army (and navy) deployed to defend the 3rd key position.
Our side’s collective failure on Saturday meant that we had to hold all 3 key locations throughout the Sunday battle. The loss of any of them would mean defeat. From left to right our line was; Pete, Paul, Simon and me. We set out our defences and loaded them with men. Our combined reserves were to be a shared resource. After a quick rendition of ‘Men of Harlech’ we folded our arms and waited.
It was time for the enemy to arrive..
Andy setting up the Savage Swans and their colleagues for another long march. He had a hell of a battle with Paul’s lot and neither side seemed to yield an inch all day (apart from when Andy’ units fled).
To borrow from old Nosey, trying to tell the story of a wargame with thousands of figures and 180 square feet of table is like trying to tell the story of a ball. It can’t be done. So, some general snippets and pics..
Medetian light troops deploy to strengthen the extreme right flank as Bob’s forces appear in the distance.
Paul’s (the other Paul) asiatic hordes drove a wedge between Simon and me, so we tried to plug the gap with reserve cavalry.
General shot of the battlefield after an hour or two.
Buff somehow steered his unsteerable giant nellies right across the table and through my decoy Chasseurs. We killed 2 out of 3, but were swept away. Heroic stuff but bloody.
Al Cekic killed men in pith helmets and then targeted the behemoths, before all its crew were shot down:
The Medetian Navy says ‘none shall pass’, although in an Italian accent:
The Medetian Army says ‘watsa matta you, hey, gotta no respect?’ Or something similarly argumentative:
Our light cavalry arrive to save the day and close the gap:
Mehicans swarm forward, the only manoeuvre they’re taught:
Zap guns zap Andy’s troops. Hopefully they got the Oompah band.
Allies discuss battle plans. Long story..
The light cavalry rescue goes wrong, a lot:
Fortunately the Medetians were blazing away and seeing off their attackers:
Although the Grenadier Guard was called on to fill a dangerous gap at one point:
With the Medetians holding firm and dealing with all-comers on the right, and events too painful and inexplicable to photograph taking place on the right, Simon had to hold in the centre against enormous odds as Paul’s masses closed in:
I believe he did so by the thickness of a cartridge case, but boy was it close:
In the end, we’d lost one and held two positions, so our evil plan was undone and we’d have to make peace or slink off to plot a dastardly return. One day, Phetaea will be ours, all ours!
Great fun.