On Display

The new games room offered me the chance to have something I’ve not had before – a display cabinet for figures.

It arrived yesterday, about a week earlier than I was quoted. When a priority bit of DIY like this needs to be done, it goes straight to the top of the list. As a result it’s now on the wall and full of figures!

It’s about 150 x 60cm, product name Alsino V16, from a big range of similar cabinets. Many come with pre-cut grooves for model trains, which naturally I avoided. I thought I’d fit more figures in but at least it’s made a significant dent in the pile of boxes. Very pleased!

7 thoughts on “On Display”

  1. Awesome! Now you’ve become officially a proper wargamer.
    I hope you have put in big enough screws! ?

    In seriousness, your 18th century figures need displaying., they are juicy.


    1. Thanks Steve, your comments on several posts are really appreciated. I’ve been over to your blog and enjoyed seeing what you are up to – it’s now going to be added to my blog list! 🙂

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