More Frostgrave Shenanigans

Early January saw the follow-on game over at Simon’s, and a very entertaining clash it was. We played the first scenario from ‘The Hunt for the Golem’ mini-campaign in the Folio book. Fortunately for us the very nasty Granite Golem didn’t actually make an appearance, but that didn’t mean there weren’t a good few casualties…

The table was another visual treat, and great fun to play on.

We’d learned a few things from game 1 in December, and certainly had a better knowledge of the rules this time around. We both focused our wizard and apprentice on attempting to cast spells, to obtain as much experience as possible. Early on we both cast Fog to block the best lines of sight for our respective sharpshooters. There were also successful, and creative, castings of Mind Control, Imp and Transpose which produced some good moments. We both made use of raised Zombies too, with my tame undead Alan (sorry Robbie!) making a useful comeback.

Some of the other highlights included Simon’s archer shooting his own man in the back of the head (he was involved in a fight with 2 of mine, so the odds were he’d hit an enemy…). There was also his Barbarian, my nemesis from game 1, taking on half my warband and doing pretty well, until the 4th wounding blow finally brought the big sod down. He survived the post-game roll though, so unfortunately he’ll be back. There were a few random encounters, which were survived in the main, and plenty of shooting, fighting and general creeping around looking for loot.

I took fewer casualties this time, although a couple will sit out the next game. We both gained 2 more levels, some cash, and a few bits of magic. There’s some levelling up and spending to do before the next game, which is hopefully going to happen soon. More then.

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