A Big Battle in the Midlands

A few weekends ago a group of 8 members of the Loose Association of Wargamers got together near Grantham for an 18th century wargame. We all contributed some troops, both historical and imagi-nation, and used the Honours of War rules. It was nice to meet Jeremy and his family for the first time, and we didn’t seem to put him off coming to future LAW events!

Purps made the arrangements at a village hall, and also made half the terrain with some very impressive sculpted boards. The other half was LT’s excellent teddy bear fur. Once some buildings, hedges, trees and other scenery was in place, we had a very nice looking long battlefield of about 30′ by 5′.

Empty and full pics of the table:

The various collections were combined to create 2 large armies, with 4 players a side. There was a background scenario which led nicely to a big set-to, with me part of the attacking side. I took control of the left centre and had to capture the bridge. I deployed 2 columns of battalions, with artillery and cavalry in support.

Action in the centre, where the forces of Medetia fought for the bridge:

Action on the flanks:

The game was played in great spirit and we had a very enjoyable day. By the end we had been victorious pretty much all along the line, although the enemy had fought hard and we were up against it in a number of places. General E. Pickled led another utter collapse of what seemed to be a strong flank – it’s his special gift!

Purps: “well, that’s the left flank gone!”Pickled: “there were more troops here a minute ago”

Naturally, an evening of good food a drink followed. Some of the guys played a second game the on the Sunday, which I couldn’t stay for unfortunately.

Big thanks to everyone for their great company and friendly participation as always, and in particular to Purps for doing so much prep which made a big difference to how smoothly everything ran.

9 thoughts on “A Big Battle in the Midlands”

    1. He played to the crowd brilliantly. We all gathered round for the first clash of the cavalry hordes on that flank, all was even in terms of numbers and quality.. until he rolled dice. Scratch one flank (over a period of ever more excruciating turns).

  1. Excellent looking game Dave. I’d be interested to hear how you organised the HoW rules for a large multi-player game because I’ve found them a little slow when several players are involved.

    1. Hi Paul, it worked OK. Each side had 4 players, reasonably evenly paired off along the table. We let the inititative-winning CinC in each phase choose 2 of their 4 players to go first. The other side’s other 2 players (ie. not the ones opposite the initiative side’s first 2) went at the same time. Then the other 4, ie. 2 from each side. It meant that there were only 2 lots of players so waiting time was reduced, and there was still a useful benefit in going first in the movement and combat phases.

  2. To be fair to my Pickled Comrade, it went wrong everywhere!
    Thanks for coming and bringing Medetians and firing at my poor Prussians.
    Next year I’ve got a few ideas to make it better and a bit more polished. Also a juicy historical battle lined up…


  3. This is a great looking game that has it all: terrain boards/bear fur, wonderfully painted figures and it is obvious that everyone was having a great time. Your report is a joy to read.


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