Welcome to the New Version of the Blog

After the recent photobucalypse I’ve taken the opportunity to change hosting and other arrangements for my blog. This wouldn’t have happened without Andy’s help and generosity – so a big thanks to Count Belisarius for everything, you’re a star!

Hopefully the re-direct is working from the old Blogger-based blog.

Apologies to those people who were very kindly following the blog, but it’s not been possible to migrate you across to here. I hope you will continue to follow now we’re set up here on WordPress. Everything else has been expertly migrated by Andy, although if any pictures fail (they should be working at the moment) that’ll be my fault for not getting them all re-linked yet.

While I’ve tried to take advantage of the good things available in WordPress, I’ve also been conscious of not hacking about too much with the basic format. It’s still a blog about my hobby efforts, and I don’t have big ambitions to turn this into a full-on website. I may add some new bits as we go though, once I’m more familiar with how things work.

I’ve got a bit of catching up to do so there will be some posts to follow shortly.

So, thanks for visiting, and if you’ve stumbled in here by accident, I’m sure you’ll find an escape route!

5 thoughts on “Welcome to the New Version of the Blog”

  1. Well I hope this has worked! The latest post from the new blog has just updated in my RSS reader in Chrome and seems to link to the new blog!

  2. Dave, It looks very good. Was it easy to set up? Re RSM figures, I am pretty certain I have some unpainted Turkish cavalry somewhere, that is if you require some . Are you attending Partizan next month?

    1. Thanks Robbie, kind of you to visit. I admit it was mainly easy to set up because Andy McMaster did it! There is a ‘migrate from Blogger’ option in WordPress which I think makes a good start, and Andy did some further mysterious stuff too. The old pictures are still linked to Photobucket for now, but hopefully there’ll be a way to get them migrated here. New pics will be hosted here from the start. RSM Turkish cav are definitely of interest, but unfortunately I can’t make Partizan. If you do find the figures, I’d be be keen to know what you have. Cheers, Dave

      1. Great to see your pics again Dave, before the interregnum I would re-visit your 6mm FPW pictures for some ideas and inspiration -they say that copying is the best form of flattery. The hill is looking good. Keep the 6mm posts coming.

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