Some Progress on the 6mm SYW Armies

I’ve been carrying on with painting the Prussians and Austrians for this project, and the forces are growing slowly but steadily.

I’m aiming to develop the armies in reasonable proportions so I can get some use out of them as they expand – in other words I’m not painting all the cavalry first, for example. The Austrians have received the most attention so far, partly because they were starting from scratch, and partly because a fair number of the Prussians need re-basing which isn’t a lot of fun!

For the Austrians I’m painting in batches comprising 5 infantry, 4 cavalry, 1 artillery battery and 1 Grenzer unit, plus commanders. I have about 7 or 8 of these batches to do to end up with the overall army I’m after. I’m currently painting the infantry that will complete batch 3.

Austrians so far:



For the Prussians the batches are a little smaller, due to the make-up of the army. They’re running a batch behind the Austrians – although there’ll be some quicker catching up once I’ve done a bunch of re-basing.

The Prussians so far:




I’ve found myself putting a bit more effort into the flags than I thought I would, no bad thing I guess. They’ll certainly do for me. I wasn’t going to do anything more for cavalry standards than just paint the base colour but I’ve done a bit more for the first Prussians and may now have to go back to do something on the Austrian ones too.

Lots more to do, but I’ll get there eventually!

6 thoughts on “Some Progress on the 6mm SYW Armies”

  1. I was talking about myself !
    How long does it take you roughly to complete these units?
    I kind of want to try paint a unit of 6mm just to see what it's like.

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