I’m happily lacking any hobby deadlines at the moment, so have been dabbling with whatever takes my fancy (ie. whatever is already prep’d and undercoated).
The latest minor additions to several projects include:
Two units of skirmishers for my 15mm Punic Wars armies. Numidians (Corvus) at the back and blurry Carthaginians (Strategia e Tattica) at the front:
A unit of 6mm Grenzers for my Seven Years War Austrians, which I might finally make a proper start on soon. Heroics and Ros figures.
The first 3 Austrian battalions for my 6mm 1859 army, H&R again. Two of these units need flags, which I’ll be making from pin and foil – so I can scrunch them up and not have to paint perfect double-headed eagles, etc! I’ve tried the Baccus ones and, for me, they suffer from being printed – the symbols are a bit pixelated and they’re faded rather than full of colour.
Who knows what I’ll do next, more soon.
You certainly have a quite few periods and interests, watch out or you'll end like Andy! All beautifully finished, painted and based.
Nice looking tiny chaps, the colours make for smart looking figures. What rules will you be using for your 1859 people?
Thanks guys.
Subs – I'll be using a mild variant (ie. house rule changes) of the Realtime Wargames 'Wars of Empire/To the Last Gaiter Button' sets. They use a grid and are set at a big battle scale.