More MDF – Dark Seas Ship

I bought this kit at last year’s Derby show, having been impressed by pics I’d seen of the model (and the price – £15). It’s the smallest of their age of sail ships, and I intend to use it with my 17th century skirmish games, mostly as a piece of scenery but potentially for boarding, raiding and cutting-out actions too.

It was quick to assemble (once I’d looked at a pic online and understood how the mast/yard connection went together anyway). The detailing is very good, especially the decks, which I decided not to bother painting, and the intricate stern decoration.


I did make a couple of modifications though. I added a removable bowsprit and some supporting pieces for it, as I felt the model was lacking in this regard. I also added some height to the whole model, with a piece of 10mm styrofoam cut to fit underneath. I think together these changes enhance the model and give me something closer to what I’m after.


I will probably pick up a few guns, which will look good on deck, and may even get fired in the odd game 🙂

Now, back to the wood glue for more MDF delights…

3 thoughts on “More MDF – Dark Seas Ship”

  1. Smashing but you need to rig and cloth that bad boy!

    Warships are my other passion and I have plans to scratchbuild a small frigate from styrofoam and balsa. Sadly this can't happen until I've won the lottery and can spend each day fannying about. :-/

  2. Thanks guys. No way there's going to be any rigging or sails. It'll take 5 times as long as the model took to make and paint, and just get in the way. And basically I'm too lazy! Like Purps, I intend to make a bigger ship, but mine could be an early steam/paddle sloop for 1830s colonial..

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