.. I’ve finally finished the next battalion of 28mm musketeers for my mid-18th Medetian century army. Why is this a big deal? Because I started them in July and frustratingly ground to a halt a few weeks ago, despite being within sight of the end. This created something of a self-induced painter’s block as I was determined to finish them before painting anything else.
Although these Huzzah! Miniatures figures (from Fighting15s) don’t perhaps have as much detail as some, the uniforms of the day still make them a challenge to paint en-masse. 30 figures is a lot for me in one go, and I’m not the quickest, so units of this size require a fairly big investment of time. Seeing them ready for the table is, of course, the reward – so I need to crack on and get them based now (and add a standard). In truth, I’m also intending to add a battalion gun and a grenadier company, but psychologically it’s important to tell myself the unit is ‘done’!
In the meantime, here are the newly raised Vantua Regiment who will soon be formed up in close order ready to march off to join their comrades in the (slowly) growing Medetian army.
The lighting isn’t great today as one of my spotlights has failed and it’s very dull outside!
Well done on finishing them!
When are you going to paint the rest of the unit?
Don't depress me! If I did bigger units I'd have given up and gone back to 6mm by now
I've just lined up four units to paint. 56 figures each
Ouch! If we're on opposite sides next May I'll have to double mine up to take your big units on! Hopefully that won't be the case.
When you say you got to base them, do you mean that you've just got to texture the bases?
You know better than that! They'll be migrated to 50x50mm mdf bases which will then receive the full treatment. I need to crack on during the week and should have some progress to post about soon.