A Raid Over the River Asta

I had an opportunity for a game yesterday, so while Brazil were struggling to overcome Chile I set up a small table in sight of the TV, opened a beer and played through a very enjoyable skirmish.

It was an excuse to use the new river sections and bridges for the first time, so I created a rustic setting with a winding river, crossed by no less than 3 bridges, leading to a small settlement based around an inn and a watermill. This would be a section of the border between Medetia and Fleurie, ripe for a raid by a Medetian force while it was only lightly garrisoned. Strengths were around 30 figures per side, although the Fleurians would start with their irregular allies (a dozen Cossacks) off table, with random arrival times and locations.



The garrison are alert, but don’t yet know where the attack will come from

A lone sentry on the main bridge.

He didn’t need a roll to spot the main Medetian force when it appeared moments later!

Meanwhile groups of musketmen were dashing forward on the left.

One at a time or all together! That’s one brave Fleurian. He was determined to get at least one shot off (he missed) and didn’t last much longer, as might be expected.


Flanking support was coming into position as the main force stormed the bridge.

Although they’d been caught out by the speed of the enemy’s initial approach, the Fleurians had managed to re-order themselves enough to be able to contest the main bridge while bringing musket fire to bear on the Medetian flanking groups. Both sides charged into the fray and it was a bloody affair on the bridge, with the Fleurians getting the better of the first clash. Lieutenant Valoran distinguished himself by killing no less than 3 enemy swordsmen in hand to hand fighting as well as a 4th by a superb pistol shot when an intrepid Medetian tried to wade the river below the bridge.

While the main action on the main bridge was attracting most of the defenders’ attention, the Medetians were pushing round on both flanks too.

The fighting was getting fierce everywhere, and the Fleurians were driving forward on the bridge despite the odds against them. Medetian swordsmen were falling in droves under the flashing blades of the Fleurian officers.
Attempts to cross the wooden bridge near the mill were met with deadly force, and the Fleurian’s irregular allies were just about to arrive to shore up the right flank.



The Medetians hurried to send more men that way too, and the action was by now spread over much of the table as the Medetians closed in from 3 directions.


Things were coming to a head on the bridge though, and the two leaders finally met amidst the swirling melee.
After a couple of rounds Captain Corleone vanquished Lieutenant St Denis and the game was up for Fleurie.


After that there was still some tough fighting as the Cossacks entered the fray, but it was pretty much a mopping-up exercise for the Medetians. A few final pics:
Game over, with the Medetian flag planted in the middle of the settlement:


Lots of fun, and good to use the new terrain and scenery. I’d like to start developing a bit more of a storyline campaign with these games, possibly with some mild ‘character’ development, but I haven’t decided on anything yet. Stand-alone skirmishes are good in the meantime, however, so no hurry.