I thought I’d post a general round-up of progress with this project.
I’m still working on these armies, but have made it to the point where I can play modest-sized games, which was always the first objective. I’m coming up to the half-way point with both the Prussians and the Austrians, and intend to keep chipping away at the remaining units.
So far I have completed 20 Austrian battalions and 12 cavalry units, plus some batteries and Grenzers. The Prussians are a little behind these numbers, but I will switch back to them soon to get them caught up. The flags keep slowing me down so I’m going to reward myself by doing more Grenadiers next, who of course generally don’t have them 🙂
A few pics of a recent tabletop outing, using the new under-scale buildings from Supreme Littleness:
You are making much better progress on your 6mm SYW armies than I am.
You should take these to AMG16.
Beautiful troops indeed – very inspirational for my syw armies in 10mm.
Cheers Fedja
Thanks Fedja!